"Display driver stopped responding etc" ATI user.
For a week now, whenever I load up a game or internet explorer (GPU-rendering) the display driver crashes, with the following message "Display driver stopped working and has been recovered". this suddenly started happening with no recent updates nor installs of any software Asus P5W DH Q9550 @ 2.7 4GB corsair ddr6400 Radeon HD6970 Corsair AX 850W Corsair Force 115GB SSD 500GB WD 7200rpm At the moment I'm using Windows 8 preview and the problem still persists.. I have gone through: Windows 7 pro 64, Windows 7 home 64 and @ this moment Windows 8 (Format C: everytime) I have tried different Display drivers, Cat 11.09 Cat 11.10 cat 11.11 cat 12.1a I have tried the latest drivers on my hardware (sound, mainboard, etc) even rolled back to previous versions I have checked all of the connectors/powercables on my mainboard, Taken out RAM-sticks to see if they were causing it. I have Removed the CD/DVDROM I have tried to disable the Display timeout function in "regedit", then the picture just hangs and will not reset, (duh) I'm at a loss.. Can't figure this out, I know that My Asus P5W DH is pretty old and I have had issues with it when i bought my CPU, had to downclock since my mainboard ain't up to the task running the CPU at full speed, (FSB bottleneck) ran smooth as of a week to 10days ago. I have tried downclocking as low as possible without any improvement. it has been workeding flawlessly the past four months (had an E6600 clocked @ 3.6 before my "new" CPU) A little research into the matter leads to "Event ID 4101 Display driver stopped and has been recoverd" and many others are experiencing the same problem, as me, Nvidia, AMD/ATI, Intel. It seems as if it's not locked to one manufacturer. This is why I am at a loss.. is my motherboard the culprit? my GPU? or some other hardware? I doubt it. well I'm considering on purchasing a new Mainboard, that will certainly help alot, then I can Finally push my CPU beyond reference clocks. but I bet the problem will persist on a new mainboard as others have noted. Rant off.. any input?
January 10th, 2012 6:39am

This explains a little more about what is going on, http://mikemstech.blogspot.com/2011/12/troubleshooting-0x116-videotdrerror.html The culprit could be anywhere between the game developers, the GPU manufacturer/driver developer, and motherboard. Does the timeout occur generally, or specifically with a single game/application. -- Mike Burr Technology
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January 10th, 2012 5:49pm

It occurs frequently when programs are using the GPU for rendering ie; games, Internet explorer, flash videos (hardware accelerated) the issue does not seem, to be application related. it happens to nvidia users, amd users, among others.
January 10th, 2012 7:20pm

That's true, are you on the latest driver version? -- Mike Burr Technology
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January 10th, 2012 7:48pm

Not to sound angry or anything, but if you read the OP, you would've found out that I have tried the latest driver, and rerolled to others versions. (cleaned with driver sweeper and ccleaner) I've had the problem for the past 10 days and I have searched other threads without finding a fix or a hint too what's wrong with my computer OR software. sorry for sounding angry :P
January 10th, 2012 11:07pm

Was the system/GPU overclocked at all before, that may have damaged any of the system components. Are you currently using recommended voltages/timing for everything? From the software side, is this event caused by any one application or does it happen when doing non-graphics intensive operations like navigating the filesystem in Windows explorer? -- Mike Burr Technology
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January 11th, 2012 10:39pm

I'm an experienced overclocker so, nothing has been damagde, good cooling, lowest possible vcore, to run 24/7 stable (prime95 stress test, and other torture tests) My P5W DH, had a E6600 @ 3.6 for 4years, and than a perdiod of 6months @stock (reason PSU failure, bought a new one, no issue since) The E6600 continued to run @ 3.6ghz until I switched for the Q9550 The Q9550 is currently running @ 100mhz downclocked, because; FSBwall at 335 Mhz fsb, stock fsb for the CPU is 333mhz) I have tried to downclock it more, with no effect. The timings on my RAM-sticks is controlled by the SPD and I have checked "CPU-Z" to verify. My GPU on the other hand has been running @ stock the whole time. (No particulary good OC headroom on it. so the gains would be negligibl) It's been running at low temp,has not exceeded 55 C @load. No, It's not application related as far as I can tell. (removed, recent updates from windows update, and uninstalled applications to no avail) On windows8 as I am using right now, it happens sometimes but it's when Aero are doing something that has to be rendered on the GPU, then it hangs. I have tried other windows versions and they behave the same way. It does not seem to be locked to one platform IE: laptop/desktop/Dell's/HP, many other users are experiencing this issue, you have seen the other threads, right? The gist of it is, that I have no clue what the issue is. As far as I can tell, there shouldn't be any problem at all
January 12th, 2012 1:32am

Windows 8 likely has a number of unresolved issues at this point. I'd be interested in seeing what the current behavior is on something considered stable... -- Mike Burr Technology
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January 12th, 2012 1:37am

Regardless of whether you're experienced or not, you might try regular timings/clocking to see if this changes the issue... The whole problem with overclocking is that you are pushing the system beyond its designed maximum and running it there for an extended period of time. Although there may be no thermal damage, there's a good chance that you prematurely wore out one or more components of the system... -- Mike Burr Technology
January 12th, 2012 1:40am

I have tried windows 7 pro and home (32bit and 64bit) ARE they not considerd stabel by your opinion? I have tried stock setting alà NO overclocking, IF I can complete dozen torturetests don't you think that my computer is sufficient enough to run windows? all your replies are stating the obvious and ignores the information in the opening post. (Edit; little harsh) So to conclude this mess, stock volts, stock timings, stock clocks @ the moment, as I have said in previous posts. Quality before quantity when posting I also played an hour of bf3 today, no issues at all worked fine on windows 8, was pretty happy, thought it had sorted itself out, then I restarted (Just to make sure) and it was back.. so I don't think my hardware is damaged since I got to play. One last thing, I have ordered a Gigabyte P35 MB, so I'll post if something happens, that way I can at-least contribute alittle.
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January 12th, 2012 2:50am

Timeout Detection and RecoveryWindows MVP 2010-11, XP, Vista, 7. Expanding into Windows Server 2008 R2, SQL Server, SharePoint, Cloud, Virtualization etc. etc. Hardcore Games, Legendary is the only Way to Play Developer | Windows IT | Chess | Economics | Vegan Advocate | PC Reviews
January 12th, 2012 4:25am

Thanks for the link, but my PSU has enough juice, (corsair AX 750W) if my PSU didn't deliver enough wattage, my CPU would also starve and give me random bsods. Tried another PSU yesterday a 500w I had in my closet. it did not fare any different. getting a new MB soon, so I'm looking forward to see if it's my MB's fault.
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January 12th, 2012 4:47am

you mean AX850 (lowest of the AX series) I would also look at the RAM timings too Windows MVP 2010-11, XP, Vista, 7. Expanding into Windows Server 2008 R2, SQL Server, SharePoint, Cloud, Virtualization etc. etc. Hardcore Games, Legendary is the only Way to Play Developer | Windows IT | Chess | Economics | Vegan Advocate | PC Reviews
January 12th, 2012 4:51am

misplaced 8 with 7 :P (they have a 750watt AX but that's beside the point) I've tried with SPD enabled (timings set by the motherboard) and now I'm running with manual setting ( corsair PC6400 )
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January 12th, 2012 5:00am

I suspect somthing is over heating. Try removing the graphics cards heat sink (or any other suspect heat sinks), cleaning well and reapplying new heat paste with heatsink. Somtimes the sensors on these chips are not super accurate.
January 12th, 2012 5:09am

I suspect somthing is over heating. Try removing the graphics cards heat sink (or any other suspect heat sinks), cleaning well and reapplying new heat paste with heatsink. Somtimes the sensors on these chips are not super accurate. That was the first thing that struck my mind (when I first encountered the problem) proceeded with removing the shroud and heatsink and removed the little dust buildup, changed the paste (artic silver 5)
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January 12th, 2012 5:14am

overheating is not likely with that video card for a few years anyway most gaming chassis have dust trap filters to reduce the buildup, still its a good idea to install some air purifiers and get a robotic vacuum machine Windows MVP 2010-11, XP, Vista, 7. Expanding into Windows Server 2008 R2, SQL Server, SharePoint, Cloud, Virtualization etc. etc. Hardcore Games, Legendary is the only Way to Play Developer | Windows IT | Chess | Economics | Vegan Advocate | PC Reviews
January 12th, 2012 5:17am

most gaming chassis have dust trap filters to reduce the buildup, still its a good idea to install some air purifiers and get a robotic vacuum machine I vacuum 4-5 times a week, so there is a tiny amount of dust buildup in my machine, but nothing serious, beside I vacuum the case and hardware once a month, I'm more confident that my Mb are the root of the problem, but I have scoured the web and there are some people that have ended up bying lots of hardware to no avail.
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January 12th, 2012 5:27am

using the latest BIOS for your motherboard I use AMD which is less of a nuisance upgrading. AM3 processors can support DDR2 and DDR3 memory so its more flexible. Please advise if you continue to have problems subsequent to the MB upgrade. Windows MVP 2010-11, XP, Vista, 7. Expanding into Windows Server 2008 R2, SQL Server, SharePoint, Cloud, Virtualization etc. etc. Hardcore Games, Legendary is the only Way to Play Developer | Windows IT | Chess | Economics | Vegan Advocate | PC Reviews
March 3rd, 2012 7:18am

that sucks, the HD 6970 is not exactly a cheap video card glad to see you found something that works I use NVIDIA, only because I got a sweet deal on a GTX 260 Windows MVP 2010-11, XP, Vista, 7. Expanding into Windows Server 2008 R2, SQL Server, SharePoint, Cloud, Virtualization etc. etc. Hardcore Games, Legendary is the only Way to Play Developer | Windows IT | Chess | Economics | Vegan Advocate | PC Reviews
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March 3rd, 2012 7:20am

Usually the AX850 and X1200 only crank the fan when they get really hot. That means a heavy load somewhere My PSU croaked, so I am scraping up funding for a new one myself Windows MVP 2010-11, XP, Vista, 7. Expanding into Windows Server 2008 R2, SQL Server, SharePoint, Cloud, Virtualization etc. etc. Hardcore Games, Legendary is the only Way to Play Developer | Windows IT | Chess | Economics | Vegan Advocate | PC Reviews
March 3rd, 2012 8:06am

I remember I had issues before I flashed to the newest, my display driver kept crashing, "1. Fix the system may BSOD after upgrading to Vista Service Pack 2" from the asus support site, that was bios 2901, and I am now on 3002. which I've had no issues with, before this issue appeared. Payed the fella an hour ago, so expect the new MB to be here by weekend or next week.
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March 3rd, 2012 10:25am

yea i usally vacuum my systems out about 3 times a day too. you could check the jheat sinks on the MB.
March 3rd, 2012 12:08pm

Installed Win7 Pro x64, an hour ago, no change, it seemed to work fine right before I updated to service pack 1 (bunch of other updates also, so I'm not pinning it on Service pack 1). Didn't try any games. Internet Explorer didn't make my display driver crash before service pack 1, it started right after I had updated to service pack 1 (I installed 30 updates including service pack 1, in other words after the first batch of 100updates, restart, works fine, updating to service pack 1 and other updates then it started appear again) Just to be clear, which version of Internet Explorer got GPU rendering? so I don't blame servicepack 1 or anything.
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March 3rd, 2012 7:05pm

Got my new mainboard today, same problem.. RMA'ing my graphics card tomorrow
March 3rd, 2012 8:51pm

sure seems to be a big nuisance to deal with recently a PSU in one of my machines elected to pack it in Windows MVP 2010-11, XP, Vista, 7. Expanding into Windows Server 2008 R2, SQL Server, SharePoint, Cloud, Virtualization etc. etc. Hardcore Games, Legendary is the only Way to Play Developer | Windows IT | Chess | Economics | Vegan Advocate | PC Reviews
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March 3rd, 2012 8:55pm

For fun I dug in my closet and found my old X1900XTX. (with a intel stock cooler on :P) works like a charm! :P 99% sure my HD6970 has gone bust. So, sorry techguys for almost blaming windows :P
March 4th, 2012 3:22am

I have to RMA my corsair AX850 also, makes a high pitched buzzing sound, it could be the culprit and the main reason that my GFXcard went bust. So if other users are experiencing problems with your computer check everything (IE Display driver has stopped...), and wait a couple of days before blaming the hardware or software.
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March 4th, 2012 5:39am

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